In this report, we inform you about the technologies used on this website that help ensure the proper functioning of the website or monitor and analyze the behavior of visitors to the website while browsing.




A cookie is  a  small text file that a website sends to your web browser when you visit it and stores it on the device you use. As a result, the website will “remember” your actions and options (such as your registration name, language, font size, and other display options) for the period of time specified in your cookie settings, so that you do not have to re-enter them each time you visit the website.

The websites use  their own  and / or  third-party  cookies. Depending on the function performed, cookies are divided into:

  • Essential cookies.  These cookies activate the basic functions of browsing or accessing the website. Without these cookies, the website will not work properly.
  • Functional or technical cookies.  Because of these cookies, the website remembers information about its performance and appearance, such as the language chosen by the visitor or the region in which it is located.
  • Statistical or analytical cookies that collect anonymous information and provide reports from which the site administrator can learn how visitors use the site.
  • Marketing or promotional cookies.  They are used to track visitors on many websites in order to serve them customized ads. They also limit the number of ads displayed and help evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns. These are mostly cookies from third-party advertisers.


Cookies are divided into  session  and  long-term  cookies according to their validity period.

There are two types of cookie creation:

  • First-party or proprietary cookies  – created on the website you visit;
  • Third-party cookies  – created by other websites. These sites include certain content that appears on the site you’re visiting, such as ads or images.


Trackers  and digital fingerprinting are more sophisticated technologies that work without cookies (files stored on a user’s device). For example, when a webpage uses tracking pixels / tags, a 1-pixel “image” is loaded each time a user accesses a particular webpage element, so that the server learns that a particular user with a specific IP address was in that webpage element, and that information is stored on the server. If the user does not consent to the collection of personal data, such elements of the website will be disabled immediately. Digital IDs are highly accurate, generated by a user’s smart device, and unique IDs allow the same user to be identified at any time later.

Web beacons, uXDT  , or Ultrasonic tracking technology work in such a way that when a website is visited, a computer generates an ultrasound signal that is inaudible to humans but received by other smart devices running a certain app at the same time. The use of this technology requires a data protection impact assessment.




We use cookies to:

  • the site could recognize you and remember your settings and preferences;
  • by analyzing your actions on the site, we could continually improve its performance.

We do not use cookies to identify you. The cookies on our website are not used for any purpose other than those described here.